Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Because sleeping is important when you are ill

With my conditions I sleep an awful lot... and I mean A LOT! If I don't set an alarm, I can sleep for a good 13-14 hours and still wake up tired. That's the bitch with these types of conditions, you can sleep and sleep and sleep and wake up feeling just as tired and feeling un-refreshed as I did when I went to bed in the first place. So to try and make my sleep as good as possible good pj's and bedding is important.

These are my new pj bottoms. I got them from Tesco's a week or two ago and this was my first wear. They are very comfortable! A light cotton trouser, with cuffed legs and covered in a really adorable wigwam pattern! I love pj bottoms with cuffs because they stay down your leg when you are asleep and tossing and turning in bed. When I wear my other pj bottoms, they ride up my leg and then I wake up feeling very uncomfortable and it can put too much pressure on my legs where the legs are bunched up. So legging-style pjs or cuffed bottoms are the best things in my mind to try and make my sleeping better. 

But even with all these things- comfortable pj's, light blankets and duvets to be able to chuck on and off if I get too hot or too cold, an open window so I get fresh air to try and stop headaches and stuffy noses- I still wake up exhausted most mornings. Some mornings I get surprised and wake up feeling reasonably ok, it hits two or three hours later, just when you've planned all the things you are going to do in the day where you are feeling fine and free. 

And so I end up napping in the day, adding more hours of sleep to the diary and more hours of sleep that is no refreshing at all. I think this is one of the more annoying and frustrating issues that I have to deal with day-on-day and something that I am sill learning to deal with.

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